Hello all,
I want to trigger my camera shorting 2 wires (soldered to the shutter button of a nex7), and I'm quite lost. Any advice? do I need any extra device or can i just plug it to a pixhawk output port? How to connect?
The camera trigger is 3.1V, and shots a photo everytime is shorted to the ground cable.
Thank you in advance
it's been a while configuring the mission planner, and testing with the multimeter (did not connect the relay nor the camera) and the output voltage measured is only 0.5V. I've to say that this voltage is totally unexpected!
I assume that the problem is in the configuration, will report back, and of course, thank you for again!
Hello again, and thank you a lot for your help!
dont worry about any responsibility, I am the guilty if anything goers wrong xD
Just came back from the electronic store near my home, bought arelay for 3$, Is for "dual channel" but will be using only one.
I already did the "hard part" following this guide, and at this precise moment im going to start testing the pixhawk/relay thingy
will report back!
Asim said:
Hello Asim,
I am quite messed up with that link, dont really know where to plug what!
Lets assume that my ground cable is black, and the "trigger" cable is red, and red cable is 3.1V. When I short them the camera shots a photo. Where shall I plug those cables? black cable to "-" Aux out 6 and red to "S" Aux 6? Sorry, but I don't want to screw up my camera, Thank you a lot for your time!