Trigger a sony nex 5R with wires

Hello to the forum.

I am a survey Engineer and new to pixhawk and to RC General.

I already post the same question here:

but i don't know if its easy someone to see it so i repost here.

I bought a second hand sony Nex 5R which already has wires connected to shutter. See the pictures.  If i connect  the white and the yellow cable the camera shot. 

Also i take with the camera a cable layout which includes  a 2 wire cable which connected with the camera shutter cables, and after that  a Sanyou Relays SYS-S-105L.  The Sanyou Relays SYS-S-105L connect to a Board and from the board start a 3 wire servo cable.

If i connect this servo cable to my X8R receiver i am able to trigger the camera for my Taranis.

But what i want is to connect it to pixhawk to do mapping.

Is it possible with what i have. 

I will need something else?





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  • Hi,,

    If you are able to trigger it directly from your transmitter/receiver, then it will work from pixhawk. You need to use the relay as you correctly pointed out. Then just follow the instructions here:


    • from my X8R receiver i connect directly the three pins Ground , +5v, Signal.

      The aux ports of pixhawk if i am correct does not supply power. 

      So must i use an external bec?

      If so in pixhawk i must only connect the signal cable or i need Ground also?

      If i need ground i must use a y ground cable to connect both pixhawk and external bec?

      The cammera sutter option must be servo(0) or relay(1) ?

      Thank you

      • In the X8R receiver i just connect the 3wire servo cable to a channel and in taranis i attach that channel in a 3 position switch. When the switch goes from center to up position the camera trigger. When it goes from the center to down position it doesn't do nothing.

        If in X8r remove the red(+5v) and black (ground) cable and connect them to an external bec i cannot trigger the camera. But if i add a ground cable in X8R too  and connect it with the ground cable of the external bec i am able to trigger the camera again.

        Now in Pixhawk If i connect the three pins in one port (i connect it to RC10) and i set to mission planner the camera trig to servo (0)  and the shutter to RC10 nothing happens. I have set the servo limits Min:1100 Max:1800 and the shutter pushed:1800 Not pushed: 1100  Duration:10 . I expect that since no power in the servo rail exist.  If i try to use an external  bec with 4.5v and i combine the ground of pixhawk with the ground of the bec as i have done with the X8R nothing happen again.

        If i place all the three cables in the RC10 and i try to connect the external bec with 4.5 v in another rc port to power the rail the moment that i give power to the rail the camera shot once.

        i dont know how to connect correct to pixhawk and if i have the correct settings in mission planner.

        I thought that if it works with X8R it should work with pixhawk, but it doesn't. 

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