I think I've figured out the correct set-up on the hex and APM side of things, but the Spektrum radio is difficult to program.  I was hoping one of the radio's many switches could be used to trigger a servo, or relay, but I can't seem to find how to set up that channel.  Can anyone explain how to set this up on the DX7...?  Thx in advance.


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  • just use any spare channel from your tx-rx and connect it to input 7 of the apm board.

    and on the Arducopter config screen, set CH6 opt to CH6_NONE and CH7 opt to Camera Trigger


    on the Hardware option => camera gimbal screen, set the shutter option to any optional RC output, which is the location of your shutter servo connected to apm board.. play with "shutter" numbers for servo travel. and for reversing, just switch the numbers from "pushed" and "not pushed"


    hope this will help..

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