Trouble Compiling ArduCopter v3.1.1 on APM2.5

I am trying to compile the new version (3.1.1) of the arducopter code onto my APM2.5 using the ardupilot specific arduino module, but it keep telling me that it fails to compile because the sketch is too large.

I have the APM2.x board selected, correct com port, correct board...not sure what else to try.  

Does anyone have any ideas or solutions?


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  • I changed a few parameters and I got it armed. I got it spinning, but even after the esc calibration, it won't lift off the ground and it very erratic. Still no gps lock.
    I've calibrated everything from mission planner that I can.
    Any ideas?
    • Not sure about your GPS but I found I had to reverse my rudder and alieron controls on my Specturm DX8. Not sure why they changed but things seem normal now. You may check the throttle and see if it is reversed.

    • I had the same problem after installing the 3DR external GPS/Mag. - I found that disabling the failsafe option in the initial setup tab/ fail safe/drop down box, did the trick (originally had it set to RTL).

      NOTE - you will still be able to use RTL but if you fly to far away or loose radio connection it will not come back with this function disabled.

      Hope this helps - 

  • I recently loaded my 2.5 amp / hex copter with newest update and could not arm (As Keith). I tried throttle lower left and it armed. I'm going to fly it now and see what else has changed. I have a good GPS lock?

  • I am experiencing almost the same problem as Keith.

    The only difference is my GPS was able to lock.

  • I can't help on the issue. But since I have uploaded V3.1.1, my GPS will not lock and it won't allow me to arm my quad. Then tried downgrading versions, still won't connect GPS or arm. 

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