tuning questions imu 2.6



I have just installed my IMU and 2.6 into a parkzone corsair.  When I select stabilize on the ground I get some aileron trim change.  Is this OK? 


Also, when flying in FBW I can command over 45 degrees bank angle, in fact I can still fly aerobatics.


What am I doing wrong?  I going to try lowering the gains.  What do you think?

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  • Developer
    The aileron trim change in stabilize may be due to having poor min/max values for the radio. If you are calibrating your radio at startup be aware that there is a filter so you want to hold the stick in each of the 4 corners for just under 2 seconds to let the filters stabilize as much as possible. If you are not calibrating at startup then check that you are using good min/max values for your actual radio setup.

    If you can fly acro in Fly By Wire, something is definitely wrong. If it is actual controlled aerobatics (and not just wild gyrations) it almost certainly isn't a gain problem, but something more fundamental. In FBW pitch and roll should be limited to the values in the header file.
  • Got this figured out today. radio setup problem....

    Worked great today!
  • 3D Robotics
    The trim change on the ground probably means that you're not letting it calibrate long enough in a level position. Make sure it's on the ground and level until the multicolor LEDs stop flashing.
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