Turnigy ESC beeps

I assembled APMega into a EasyStar.

Its early days with the programming but radio test code works - i.e. supplies different values as sticks moved.

The Turnigy ESC beeps alot (mainly a 1Hz beep-beep-beep constant). This beep is constant except when the servos are moving (presumably test code running)

Q's are

1) is the ESC properly armed/initiated with this beeping

2) is there some way of getting rid of annoying beeps?

Thanks in advance.

Brett G

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  • SOLVED I think. Another very similar Turnigy ESC did not continue beeping when attached to same setup.
  • Brett.

    1: No...
    2: No...lol....its looking for 1ms to arm or 2ms for programming...once you have either of these states, then you will hear beeps corresponding with cell count, if 1ms and then armed...beeps go away...but its LIVE..

    or 2ms in which case its trying to program.....you need to reverse the throttle channel and start again...

    if this continues then you have neither case and is probably no signal at all to ESC in which case the beeps will continue....try to read the PWM out on throttle..this will tell you the score...

    It sounds like there is no signal at all until test code running (makes sence) once stopped back to 1hz beep (no signal)

    Manufacturers warning beeps...

    Consider putting a servo in the Esc`s place instead..you can see the travel without the beeping....also it will tell you the position of the end points...very helpful when learning and setting up.

    hope this helps.

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