Turnigy Firmware flashed with arduino?

I have a Turnigy radio and would like to flash the firmware.  I do not  have an AVR Dude pocket programmer and was wondering if I could use my Arduino Duellinova inplace of the pocket programmer to flas the firmware?

How would I connect the wiring to the Arduino?


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  • Yes you can use a Duemillanove to flash your Turnigy: i did it when I got mine.

    I'm not at home right now so I can't help you much with wiring but you can read this page. Basically you need to flash the "ArduinoISP" example sketch to your arduino, and then your arduino is seen as a serial programmer.


    For the wiring, you need to find which wire from the arduino is which signal ( MOSI, MISO, SCK, reset,GND, VCC ) :  you can look at the last diagram from the ArduinoISP page and this pinout diagram.

    Then you have to know where (on the turnigy) to hook each signal wire : http://code.google.com/p/th9x/wiki/installation_de .

    This page also explains how to flash their firmware.

    I think I had an arduino reset problem when I followed this method but I can't remember exactly which one.


    Good luck!


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