Turnigy micro quad tuning

Hi, I just received a new APM 2.5, so I decided to test in on a liitle Turnigy Micro-quad from HK.

All the standard configuration went fine, but I think I might need some (a lot of) PIDS tuning. The quad can't stabilize at all, as soon as it leaves the ground it oscillate very hardly and quickly in all directions, so I have to put it down quickly... the propeller directions are ok, and I don't think I have inverted some channel, it seems to be ok when testing with the quad in my hands - just have some doubt for the yaw but it seems worse if I invert this.

Would anyone have some param file to share, especially for the PIDS settings, or indicate what are the parameters I should look into ? - I tried to decrease slightly RATE_ROLL_P and RATE_PITCH_P  as described in  http://code.google.com/p/arducopter/wiki/AC2_Tweaks, but didn't help much...


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  • I have the micro hex - and found it is a real difficult one to tune. Rate_P has to be < 0.100 and Rate_D about 0.005 IIRC.

    Try following the tuning guide, and if you can install SimonK firmware on the ESCs, or BLHeli if they aren't AVR.

  • 3D Robotics

    For a tiny quad like that, turn your Rate Roll P values way down. Try decreasing in 25% increments. 

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