hi everybodyyy ..

just upgraded from 2.9.1b. to 3.1

I didn't upgrade the ppm , I tried but could not get it too .


the problem is the motors twitch when the apm2.5 is  armed .

but it flys great .

Do I need to recalibrate the esc ?

I been flying the same setup for nearly a year with only software upgrades without



By the way if Randy watching could he be a  hero and post a short video on how he

got the ball dropper to work in mission planner . please


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  • hi again

    think I solved the motor twitch.

    I remove R/C channel 8 from APM and then change software to  "none " for the action of cannel 8

    Now no twitch

    But still no luck with the "servo_do" command, any help ?


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