Two problems, come on in...

Firstly, I have uploaded the newest beta thats in the repository (2.7.3 I do see mention of 2.7.4 but could not find it in the repository , but I could be over looking it) but ran into problems.

1. Servos never "waged" during initialization. ( my understanding this is calibration period)
2. No throttle output.
3. Lost telemetry from the Xbee pro.

Did not have time to troubleshoot so I replaced 2.7.3 with 2.62, which I have been using for ground testing. 

Ok,, second problem:

My first flight with the autopilot equipment did not function as planed (ardupilot 2.6.2, IMU V2, ULbox GPS, No shelid or speed sensor).  As soon as stabilized was selected the model would nose down at about 15deg and left about 10deg?  There was no  "porpoising" or corkscrewing as explained in the manual, just the condition described above. During the closing moments of flight I lost all throttle but remained in control of the airplane but seemed as if it was in stabilized mode while manual mode was selected, actually stabilized seemed to function pretty well during throttle loss?  

There has been nothing done to the header file other than making sure the control surfaces are responding correctly but I have included the file any way.

So what I know.

I do have GPS lock on both IMU and ArduPilot.
I am able to see my selection between stabilized and fly by wire in xbee telemetry.
All control surface function as designed in stabilized mode.

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  • After moving the equipment in the proper orientation and a few changes to insure proper control surfaces, the flight went as expected, well mostly. For what ever reason I had total loss of control!!! Plane nearly meet the earth nose first but I regained radio control just in time. On the bright side, it was rock solid in stabilized mode :-) I am wondering if the problem is in the autopilot hardware or my RC equipment? I might try my spektrum equipment to see if that helps. I am using a 9chp now.
  • Ah I get it now. It hit the control limit, because of a backwards vector in the control loop. And it still stabilized. Cant get my head around it now, but that seems to fit?
  • Thanks for the reply,

    Although, I am leaving the airplane stationary during the calibration period. I have left the plane on the ground with the wings and the airframe stationary in the proper flight orientation till I have gps lock. This should be sufficient time to allow IMU sensors to calibrate? I would imagine the calibration period has been completed once I have solid light status light on the IMU?

    I may have found the problem, the GPS connector should be facing the front of the airframe, in another words, towards the nose of the plane. Well I feel like a Dip Sh!!, I have read the manual to many times to have missed that.
  • Sounds like the IMU was not properly zeroed. The plane must be level and stationary for a time to get the zero rate and level readings before it can operate. Sounds like it is stabilizing, just not to level flight.The IMU needs to know what level is and the the sensors need a stable zero reading to set their zero offsets. Study the manual some more.
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