UAV's using Droid Cell


Has anyone tried or thought about using the Droid Cell. With any of the electronics for the Autonomous UAV setup? I think it would be neat and really a great Idea and add-on to UAV setup's because you can use a cell phone frequency and internet and towers to communicate with this device which means it can go further than your Xbee communication kits...


Any thoughts?




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  • I do apologize Toby, I did mean to say Drone cell... I was on my T-bolt when I sent the message...


    I think we should try and get a team started, so we can see if this will work... I know it will be a way better communication device other than that short range xbee...

  • I don't know anything about the droid cell. I got a drone cell which is just a modem terminal board with a GPRS modem on it.
  • Thanks for the reply. Toby.... I was thinking of setting this thing up and trying to get it t work. I think it will be a good communication device to replace the xbee. Would you be willing to share any information you have regarding this droid cell?
  • Yes, I started doing some work on this using a Drone Cell, but am flat out at work at the moment and don't really have time to see it through. Its relatively straight forward though.

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