UAV 'sense and avoid' - how close are we?

I was hopiong to get some input from the forums members on the subject of 'sense and avoid' capabilities of small UAVs, and how close we are to perhaps overcoming this [huge] hurdle.

It's clearly a big step and one which, once solved, will enable laws and regulations to be reviewed and potentially relaxed. In fact it will almost certainly revolutionise the UAV industry.

I'm aware of various sensors which are compatible with the Ardupilot Mega, and people are coming up with various trial/prototype sense and avoid systems by rigging these sensors up to their quads and tweking code. But how far from a fully operational system are we, whereby the craft will 'see' and move to avoid obsticles and other UAVs?

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  • T3
    Our copters are to small for all the sensors that would be needed to avoid objects. You make be better served coming up with a beacon/receiver system that broadcast the copters location, altitude and direction of flight. The receiver would read other beacons and calculate a possible collision with another craft and fly to avoid. A friend of mine in France developed a system that is currently being used by sailplanes. No collision since the beacons were mandated.
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