In an attempt to increase horizontal position accuracy, I have been researching inexpensive GPS modules. In my initial research, i was looking at my current module, the uBlox LEA-6H and noticed a discrepancy in the data at hand.
According to 3DR, their LEA-6H GPS/compass has an update rate of 5Hz:
...however.... according to uBlox, the manufacturer, the LEA-6H datasheet shows an update rate of 2Hz:
the 6A, S and T-0 all feature a 5Hz update rate while the H and T-1 feature 2Hz
Who is lying?
Did 3DR place a large enough order to get an OEM spec?
Can anyone confirm uBlox's data sheet or 3DR's claim?
this is the response I got from 3DR when i sent them an email:
the GPS from 3DR is default configured to 4Hz, but is can be changed.
I am no master of GPSs, but the way I read the data sheet and 3DR's response is that the LEA-6H has an update rate of 2Hz. So even is you change the update rate to 200ms, the GPS chip will only update its position every 500ms and you will simply be oversampling. ...or am I misunderstanding the way these things work?
I have the original ublox module 3DR sold (the one without the compass.) It was advertised as able to update at 5Hz, but there now seems to be a new data sheet here:
that contradicts this. Specifically, is says that only the ROM version of the LEA-6H can run at 5Hz. The Flash version (part number LEA-6H-0-002, which is what's on my module) is only able to run at 2 Hz. This is noted on the 2nd page of the above link, where it says:
Navigation update rate up to 5 Hz (ROM version), 2 Hz (Flash)
I'm wondering the same thing. MY LEA-6H is configured to use a 200 ms update interval (5 Hz) but, when examining the iTOW field of the position record to see the timestamp between successive messages I see a difference of 400 ms, which is only 2.5 Hz.
Note: for reference I recently updated the firmware in my LEA-6H to version 7.03.