"YES, it does. That is the whole point to compass calibration. The calibration essentially identifies metallic items in your airframe like bolts, fasteners, wiring, battery, etc and allows the copter to compensate for that when trying to navigate in…"
"they had regs last year! I was flyin around last year. the registration said no flying near the burn on sat night, but i still saw >2 phantoms hovering overhead.
ill be on playa again this year @ 4:30&A Plunderground if anyone wants to come chat"
"Sorry about that Eran. Steep learning curve here. You will get the hang of it. I recommend that you get comfortable flying in stabilize before testing any GPS functions. Stabilize is really your manual failsafe. anytime my quad misbehaves when…"
"the roations_roll_180 is (semi) specific to the 3DR GPS/compass module.
it appears that your compass chip is on top of your GPS/compass board - in which case, you would not want roll_180. Usually the z-axis is directed out the top of the chip.…"
In an attempt to increase horizontal position accuracy, I have been researching inexpensive GPS modules. In my initial research, i was looking at my current module, the uBlox LEA-6H and noticed a discrepancy in the data at hand.According to 3DR,…
"12"!!! thats HUGE! I have a copter that is only 12" motor to motor.
electro field strength is proportional to 1/r^2. 12" separation would mean 1/144, and would reduce interference (if any) by two orders of magnitude. just having 3.16" of separation…"
"meh. You shouldnt have much interference. looks like the GPS operates at either ~1.5 GHz or ~1.2GHz. That is not near the 5.8 nor is it a sub harmonic. there must be something else going on. how long have you let the two systems sit powered on…"