I am running the M8N with a pixhawk. I was doing some camera calibrations and i notice that the altitude reported by my images was much less than what I was commanding to the vehicle. I verified the discrepancy by taking a pic of a 3x4 wood board and doing the math to figure the height.
Has anyone else experienced this?
Much less like how much? cm, meters, km ?
at a commanded 200ft the images were saying 135ft.
gps altitude is not too accurate but 60 ft difference is quite a lot.
How accurate is your gps altitude when you are on the ground ?
Have you tried to read the logs and check the difference between baro and gps ?
gps alt is right on what google earth says the elevation is.
baro alt is reading in agl
GPS seems accurate at the ground
Francisco, what is the gps vs baro alt (difference) ?
350ft which is msl elevation of the launch area