"Not personally but there are plenty of resources out there. The bags are supposed to contain the fire and a bit of the heat. although it'd still be an issue. youtube has some good videos on Lipos going awry.
Im leaning toward the Pelican type cases…"
"Ive been thinking about a similar concept also. I would like to be able to have a battery bay that could hold around 8-10 22000mah batteries. The system would need to be able to be plugged into a regular wall outlet. With that the system would have…"
"Its good to see more people working on this problem. What kind of impact resistance does the fuel tank have? How long could the vehicle stay aloft if the motor failed?"
"you should be fine. No leaks is important as well as smooth bends. On manned aircraft they use very long lengths of tubing to get the air from the pitot tube to the instruments. "
I am running the M8N with a pixhawk. I was doing some camera calibrations and i notice that the altitude reported by my images was much less than what I was commanding to the vehicle. I verified the discrepancy by taking a pic of a 3x4 wood board…