smart Battery Management inside a safe LiPo-Case

Dear Community,

Currently I’m developing a concept to found a company, based on the development of smart boxes, used for the management of special content.

The boxes will contain innovative Inlays to guarantee a perfect handling und a safe transportation.

In addition sensor systems like thermostats and voltage indicators are monitoring the content via app or touch screen.

As a RC-Flyer I knew the disadvantages of LiPo´s (beside the great power density):

  1. fire protection at the storage process
  2. decrease of power at low temperatures
  3. safe charging only possible with a present person
  4. only store with storing-potential for long ages

So the idea is to develop a case, which is able to bring the lipo to operating temperature, charge it and bring it back to storage temperature, after using it.

The box is fire protected with a gas-regulator to prevent high pressures. The inlay gives a great handling with XT/JST-Plugs in it and special fixations.

In addition the box will contain a charge controller with relays to charge all the lipos in it separately. A gel-accu will serve the charge controller with power.

I would like to, what you think about it? Until now I can´t find a box, which contains fire protection, thermostat, charge controller, special lipo-Inlay and monitoring.

How do you manage your lipos?

Until know I use a metal-box outside, without storage-potential and preheating.

  1. Do you think to box is useful and perhaps you will buy one?
  2. What would you like to pay for it? First ratings show a price of 400 Dollars, dependent on the box-size.
  3. Are there helpful suggestions for the further functional range? 
  4. Do you have special content to manage in a transportation box?


The customer will be able to choose the features from different modules and also customize his own inlay.


Many thanks for all evaluations and suggestions, praise our great hobby.



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  • Hello,

    currently I´m into other projects, but this season I will test my own Box. I will show my solution.

    Thanks for your interest.

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Tommy,

    Any follow up on this interesting project?

  • Ive been thinking about a similar concept also. I would like to be able to have a battery bay that could hold around 8-10  22000mah batteries. The system would need to be able to be plugged into a regular wall outlet. With that the system would have to charge only 1 or two batteries at a time and be able to automatically switch to start charging another batter. 

    On the safety side I think that insulating for heat and also a kevlar bag so that if one battery started running away it would not cause the others to go. I think a big pelican case could be a good start.

    The rise of commercial UAV use is going to require some big time charging solutions

    • Hello Francisco,

      thank you for the reply. 8-10 22Ah batteries are a lot of energý. Is it still for arial filming copters or are there other markets in your mind.

      Yes thats what I want to realise with the relais. One charge and then switch to the next. Kevlar is a goog solution. Do you have an experience with burning lipo in kevlar bag?

      A Pelicase of this size is cheap and heavy I think. I dont want to drive over it with my car.

      So Im searching for alternative boxes. I think about a box from cfk/aramid.

      • Not personally but there are plenty of resources out there. The bags are supposed to contain the fire and a bit of the heat. although it'd still be an issue. youtube has some good videos on Lipos going awry. 

        Im leaning toward the Pelican type cases because the system should be able to be transported in the field therefore durable and wheeled. these big batteries are pretty heavy. 

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