Unable to erase DataFlash

Hi Guys,

Today I tried my first flight after a long day of calibrations, was a little scary as I wrapped the receiver antenna (40 MHz) around the frame and it went crazy until i set it free in vertical.

The rest was OK for the first flight EXCEPT that:

I am not able to log anything on the DataFlash (APM 2.5) nor erase anything.

There is always 1 log there that i cannot change. It started before the flight.

I tried both versions 2.9.1.b and 3.0.1-rc1 but still no changes. (even erases and reset commands)

Is the memory corrupted? Is there a way to manually erase ALL the Dataflash memory?

Thanks folks.


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  • Hello,

    I had the same effect.

    Select in MP the Tab Terminal, then the green Tab on the left side Connect APM, wait the end of the text.

    Type logs,enter

    then delete logs, enter

    This will delete all logs.

    Then type Exit, enter,

    Disconnect at the right side.

    Thats it


  • Hello, nobody?

    FYI the log in the Dataflash does not change after arming disarming sequences.

    Today I'm going to try some flights with a Laptop as a telemetry gound station.


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