Unable to load Firmware: No Response from board

Hi All,

I am having an unusual issue with a recently purchased Pixhawk (genuine 3dr) and I'm looking for some assistance.

The Pixhawk, when powered up boots OK ( normal visual and audio indications), however when attempting to flash firmware from the Install Firmware screen within Mission Planer's Initial Setup tab, I consistently receive the following errors:

  • Unable to load firmware
  • No response from the board

This occurs in the following versions of Mission Planer:

  • 1.3.32 (Laptop 1)
  • 1.3.34 (Laptop 2)

If I use version 1.2.x (Laptop 3), I can load the firmware OK from the Install Firmware screen.

Using the latest version of QGroundControl I can load the PX4 stack without issue.

Now here is the curious part, if I use the Wizard option in the 1.3.x versions of Mission Planner the upload works.

I have tried the various combinations on plug/unplug, pressing the reset button instead of unplugging etc without success.

Also tried powering the Flight Controller via both USB only as well as having the Power module attached with no change.

I have successfully used 1.3.x previously with my other Pixhawk and PixFalcon without issue, however I can't remember if the version of Mission Planner was pre 1.3.32 when these boards where flashed.

Once the firmware is successfully loaded using an earlier version of Mission Planner or via the Wizard the Pixhawk can be calibrated and configured just fine.

I have also tried the following:

  • Replacing the firmware on my PixFalcon with a different model type - same problem
  • Uninstalled mission planner completely (Laptop 2), including comm port and driver and reinstalled - same problem

Does anyone have any ideas as to the cause and possible solution?

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  • I have the same problem, MP 1.3.32 or 1.3.34 ( Windows 8.1, Windows 7 ) can't upgrade the firmware of PX4. then I have to use QGroundControl to upgrade the firmware of PX4.( Windows 8.1 I used ) ( without issue as yours )

    However, now mission planner can't tell what the firmware version of PX4. also MP freezes for several seconds when I arm/disarm the machine. After it spits out an error mesg "Error: no response from MAV" after it wakes up from the freeze.

    I have to google around to see what causes this mesg... somewhere I didn't configure correctly, or MP 1.3.3x causes it.

    also, 1.3.34 can't tell mine is a quadcopter ( the type ), not clickable. ( QGroundControl just lets me click it with no issue ).

    parachute configuring also has issue, because chute in MP requires AC 3.3 or higher, and MP can't tell the firmware version of PX4.

    I used MP ( windows 8.1 ) 1.3.21 to load AC3.2 onto Pixhawk in the past, it worked.

    • IF you are using the PX4 stack then you should use QGC as it is written specifically FOR PX4 and if you use the APM stack then you should use Mission Planner is it is written specifically FOR APM. Over the last year or so they have diverged so much that using one on the other is not advisable.

      • Thank you, Craig, for the clarification. Time for me to start learning QGC.

  • Try a different USB cable as hawks are REALLY picky about the cable being used.

    • Thanks Craig,

      Tried that, started with the one supplied in the box by 3dr and a few others I have used previously.

      Still get the same issue, it is as if the FC doesn't enter the right mode on the reconnect.

      I have noticed that if the Wizard is used then you don't get asked to disconnect and reconnect the board, where if you used the Install Firmware screen this process is required and this is the point the upload fails.

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