Unable to upload code to ArduPilot

I have been encountering an error while uploading code to ArduPilot with Atmega 328P

avrdude: stk500_get sync(): not in sync: resp=0x00
avrdude: stk500_disable(): protocol error, expect = 0x14, resp=0x51

I tried all the debugging steps as mentioned here but none worked.
I tried on 2 different windows 7 x64 machines & 1 windows XP x32 machine but still no luck.
Tried both FTDI cable from DIY Drones & the FTDI breakout board 3.3V from sparkfun.
Tried resetting the board just before upload,unplugging & plugging the USB cable before upload.
Tried with VCP & D2XX drivers from FTDI. (from here)
Tried almost everything but still NOT WORKING!
I guess there is some problem with the board itself.But I just got it from sparkfun & that part is hard to sink in!

Ya, I checked the RTS setting,solderings,tried different baud rates (dont know if it really matters),orientation of the FTDI pins and all that.Im using an ESC from Scorpion to power the board.
The LEDs are all blinking properly as has been told in the manual
Is there some point that I have missed or that I've done wrong?FinallyIm getting tired of searching all over the internet!So thought I woulddirectly ask help. :) Or is there some problem with the bootloader?
Hoping that somebody helps me out because I desperately needs help!

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  • Do you have a AVR driver loaded on the computer ? I had a conflict with the AVR studio and the FTDI drivers.
    Try to uninstall the drivers for the AVR.
    Just a thought.....

  • The following files here. You can also find them in http://diydrones.com/profile/ManoeldeDeusMascarenhasFilho. thanks

  • Developer
    Can you upload any code? Not just Ardupilot, but Arduino code from Arduino.cc?
  • Hi, I'm a total newbie but following the thread I see this one post by Chris saying that the arduino 168 is no longer supported.. so if that's what you have then could this maybe explain your problems? Just a thought.. Andre
  • What is the recommended voltage to be suppilied to power up ArduPilot? Is it 4-7V?
  • T3
    In my setup I need to reset manually when uploading to the AP, I found that you need to press the reset when the compiling is done ( when white text line showing in arduino ide )
  • Hi, I don't have any experience with the ardupilot yet as I am waiting for mine to arrive; but I do recognize the problem from uploading to an arduino pro mini with a separate FTDI usb uploader.

    The solution that worked for me is to press the reset button after approx. 4 seconds after I press upload on the Arduino IDE. The exact trigger for me to press the reset is a very slight change in the blinking leds.

    Hope it helps for you as well, good luck!
  • Admin

    You state that you are: "Im using an ESC from Scorpion to power the board." Are you using the ESC at the same time that you have the FTDI cable attached to the Ardupilot board?

  • hi, I am having the same problem. Unfortunately I'm in Brazil and this makes it very expensive to replace the board or ask to buy a new one. I ask that someone could tell me a stately palace what happens when we turn the plate and do the upload, so maybe able to determine what error is happening. Would be valuable if we could test the card as it gives the "boot". grateful.
    PS I have noticed that the "boot" comes in a loop, running indefinitely(LEDs red, yellow, blue are flashing in the same order). This is correct?
  • Developer
    Check your serial port is correct and you have the FTDI drivers installed.
    Don't connect your GPS.
    Check you've selected the correct Serial Port in Arduino.
    Take a pic of your setup and post it.
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