So yesterday everything was working fine and I was able to properly upload the firmware using eclipse, but today it is giving me problems. When I make the firmware and it asks for me to connect the pixhawk it detects everything like normal, but once it reaches this part it freezes and doesn't do anything.
All done!
make[2]: Entering directory `/c/px4/Firmware/Build/'
Loaded firmware for 9,0, size: 879960 bytes, waiting for the bootloader...
If the board does not respond within 1-2 seconds, unplug and re-plug the USB connector.
attempting reboot on COM4...
if the board does not respond, unplug and re-plug the USB connector.
Now I'm not sure what could have caused this. I can still connect to the pixhawk and use its commands through mission planner, but now once I disconnect from mission planner, the main LED turns a solid blue, which I do not remember ever happening.
So, I attempted to update the bootloader this morning. I copied the current bootloader file to the SD card, and I attempted to connect to the pixhawk using Mission planner. Unfortunately, it now seems that I can't even connect to mission planner, it is unable to open the COM4 port at 57600. I also connect the buzzer and once I connect the pixhawk to my computer through the USB port, the main LED flashes red, the buzzer does the following sounds.
beep beep beep BEEEEP, after this point it just continues to hiss
some times it doesn't make it to the last deeper and longer beep, some times it doesn't even beep at all, after this point the FMU B/E LED starts rapidly flashing orange which would indicate that the bootloader is active.
After this, I have no idea what happened or what I did, and now the pixhawk was except for the pixhawk still not uploading the new code. My computer still recognizes it on COM4, and I am now able to connect using mission planner. The FMU B/E LED is no longer flashing orange it is off, the main LED is now flashing red as before, and it is always able to compete the initial 4 beeps. I attempted to load the new firmware and I was back at my original problem
Now I can't connect to the pixhawk through USB to update the bootloader, I can't update firmware and I still don't know what to do.
Can someone help me out here?
Thank you for the help!
Well,I have the same problem.Every time I try to upload the firmware to my pixhawk,it says 'waiting for bootloader' as the same.Have you solved it now?
Communication over the USB connection is done at 115000 baud and not 57600 baud.
Thanks for the reply, Thomas.
I've tried both 115000 and 57600, but no luck so far.
Best Regards,
Israel Casillas
Ok. I went ahead and looked at the bootlog, and it just has this:
I went ahead and changed the Baum rate on my COM4 port, which was set to 9600, to 57600. Now when I attempt to connect I do not get the "no heartbeat packets received" instead I get this: