Uncontrollable Drone Flies Away

Yesterday I was flying my APM 2.6 when it stopped obeying the RC and sat still. Not matter what I did the drone would not respond. I changed through every flight mode and even cycled the RC power a few times with no response.

This would have been okay except that the drone was very slowly rising and drifting while it was unresponsive. By the time I realized I wasn't able to connect it was already out of my reach and was headed up and over a neighbor's house. My friend had his keys so we jumped in his car and began looking. We saw no sign of it nor could we audibly hear it.

What would you do in this situation? I'm just trying to get some ideas after seeing $200 fly away (lucky it wasn't more).

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  • I hope you find it and upload dataflash log.

    Futaba , for example, had some nasty RX crashes where RX just stopped updating, but continued outputting same packet over an over. 

    It sounds like it could have been stuck in stabilize or alt.hold . 

    we'll never know for sure until you post the log..

    good luck.

    • I received a call from a local police office asking me if I lost a drone and to describe it to him. I pulled the log earlier today and here it is:


      I'm not very good with viewing the logs but I can tell you this much, it drifted about twice as far as it is showing on the map. Interestingly enough, the lipo is the only thing that got damaged because it eventually cut off and sat there for days.

      • The log is just a part of something that looks like a flight.

        the RCIN data is the same the whole time, so your receiver was set to "hold" in case of RC loss, or it malfunctioned..

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