In the Flight Planner tab, there are a few options and I would like to know exactly what they do and perhaps how it might affect performance and the planned flight.
Please will you give me a brief understanding of
WP Radius (Is this how large the waypoint is, so in other words if the quad hits this radius it can now move on)
Loiter Radius (If this is set to 0, would the quad try and just stand still? If set to 2, would the quad following a circular pattern at the loiter point and whilst yawing to keep the nose at the front all the time?)
Hold Default Height (Don't understand why this is here since when you plan for instance takeoff, and loiter you can specify the height)
Verify Height (How does this work and how does it go about verifying the height?)
Is there a detailed description out there for all the command functions and how each command can be used to perform different things.
I realize my question is rather open ended, but I don't think I want to experiment with the different functions until I know exactly what they are supposed to do.
Thank in advance
The WP radius is what you said, if the aircraft reaches that radius from the waypoint it is assumed that it has reached it, and will move onto the next
The verify height simply downloads the terrain height at the waypoints you specified to make sure that your plan does not fly into a hill, but just remember that the terrain height is not very detailed so use it with caution