Update forever... and files not getting unzipped

My APM Planner on WinXP (MAVlink 1.0 variant) keeps telling me it needs an update, but when I update the following happens:

  • It launches the MAVlink 0.9 version instead of the 1.0 version I originally launched
  • And then it tells me it needs another update...
  • Repeat several time until I give up and click "No".

In addition, when trying to do ACM configuration via the Firmware screen, it claims that some dll's are missing and I should probably unzip zome zip files.  I do that and then it's OK, only I don't know why it didn't do the unzip itself during the update.

Any idea?


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  • I think I have the same problem, i am running dot-net 4 and on a brand new computer a Asus K53E.

    failed update.png

  • My last auto-update yesterday loaded 1.1.94.  The infinite updates loop seems to be fixed.  However, I still got the "missing dlls" message on one occasion.  Quitting and re-launching the planner overcame this - so this is something intermittent.


  • Moderator
    Yes. It's a bug. It relaunches the mav o.9 version.

    Run c:\program files(x86)\APM Planner\ArdupilotMegaPlanner10.exe
    1.1.93 Mav 1.0 is current.
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