upload error.

I just completed my assembly and power up the ardupilot. Power LED and MUX LED both on,Stat blinking, GPS blinking so i think everthing is alright with the boards.Downloaded Arduini, and 2.4Copied files per manual.I get this error when I try to upload.

What hav I done wrong?

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  • You probably need to set "Set RTS on Close" for your FTDI cable. Or you haven't selected the right COM port in Arduino

    To change the Set RTS, click Start, Control Panel, System, Hardware, Device Manager, Click the + next to Ports (COM and LPT), Double click on the correct COM port, Click Port Settings, Advanced, Make sure "Set RTS on Close" is checked....
  • Admin

    If you are not using a shield board with the Ardupilot and you have the GPS plugged directly into the Ardupilot during the attempted upload you will get the error that you have displayed above.

    Try unplugging the GPS from the Arudpilot board and then try the upload.

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