Hi all ~ i want to know if it is possible to preset a few way points in a script such that once i launch the drone, the way points information will be sent automatically to the drone from the computer one by one, for example after it took off, the computer will send way point 1 information to the pixhawk, once the drone reaches way point 1, the pixhawk will send an acknowledgement back to the computer then the computer will upload the information of waypoint 2. If it is possible, can you please tell me how i can go about doing it ? Thanks !

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  • As Graham says, you can only upload full missions, but its OK to upload mission, and then go straight to last (new) mission item.
    I assume you have reasons not to use guided mode instead ?
  • Moderator

    Normally, you can only send a complete set of new waypoints while the vehicle is in the air and to execute those new waypoints you have to hit "restart mission" while in auto or just before entering auto.

    You can send one at a time but will have to upload and restart the mission after it hits each waypoint.

    Whether a script can be written to achieve what you want I don't know but above is the default behaviour.

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