USB 5v to rc receiver

Hi, (I am a new poster, but long time reader.)

Could anyone comment on the idea of powering a rc receiver via usb. I would be also powering the autopilot (AMP1) with a separate usb line. (I have the older AMP1 which does not power the receiver when just using usb power). Good idea, bad idea? Why?

Reason: I would be able to power nearly the entire system (not motors) via usb alone.

Thanks in advance

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  • Developer

    lookup the 2560 power hack. It shows you how to modify APM1 to power your Radio over USB power.


  • The ENERGIZER XPAL 5v power pack have 2 USB output (1amp and .5 amp).

    The capacity is 1500mha.

    I have been using 4 units for 6 months with nothing negative about it

    Hope this can help. 


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