USB connected RC transmitter

Hello everyone. I have not been on the site in some time, and the question I am about to ask pertains to a post I know I read on here about a year ago, but have been unable to locate it. I am looking for a piece of hardware mentioned in a post from a while ago. The peice of hardware is a USB connected RC transmitter. The idea is to be able to transmit PWM signals of the type used to control RC vehicles, generated by a computer program. So this piece of hardware is not a remote control, but simply the transmitter that would be found in a standard remote, but hooked up to a computer. I hope I have been clear with my request and appreciate any feedback.

Thank you,

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  • Wondering if you ever found what you were looking for. I happen to be looking for exactly the same thing, if it exists. I understand this is an old thread, perhaps dead too, but if anyone has hints, I'm all ears. Thank you.

  • Are you talking about a simulator cord from your trainer port of the transmitter to your PC?
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