USB / Setup Connection Errors?

I installed  rel .87, fired it up and got the "Exception Message": 

"No Mavlink Heartbeat Packets were read from this port - Verify Baud Rate and Setup APM Planner waits for 2 valid heartbeat packets before connecting. "

...followed by a couple other lines of messages.

I used the latest .msi to install into a WIndows XP installation having service pack 3 with direct x 9. 

Upon startup, MP didn't see the com port.  I then installed the Arduino Mega 2560 driver out of Arduino Libraries/Drivers and then MP could see the port, but  cant seem to connect to it as indicated by the message above.  (I am assuming this is the case?)  Since the port # and baud rate were set

(Com 6 / 115200) I can't think of anything else to try.

Any suggestions?





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