using multi sonars on apm

can we put multiple sonars on the apm and can we control them through mission planner or is there any way we can interrupt the auto mode of mission planner by different code.Im working on autonomous quadcopter.

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  • thanks craig for the information but could you tell me how to read the code in the mission planner
    • it's not a mission planner thing it is a source code thing and when I say that do not expect others to do it for you I mean to literally program in the needed functionality and then compile it and upload it to your board as what you are asking for is not presently there. 

      I am not a programmer, just someone who can hack around with C and C++ so I do not have the skills needed to program in the needed functionality and if you want/need the said functionality you have really 2 choices, learn to program and add it yourself or find someone willing to do it for you and do not expect them to do it for free as their time is a valuable asset.

      There is nothing wrong with wanting to do new cool stuff and it is what drives open source projects forward but so many people want it for nothing and are not willing to invest in either the time to learn how to do it themselves or expect the current devs to do it for them for free. I'm NOT saying you are one of them at all, I am just saying that what you want would require a LOT more then just changing a parameter in mission planner to accomplish and if others read this give them an idea on how to help move things forward.

  • The nice thing about APM code is you have the source code and can add anything you want or need. And I'm sure it is "possible" to add what you want but do not expect others to add it for you. Also if your going to play with sonar make sure it is not those horrible SR04 modules as they are worse than useless.

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