
Using power from 2.5's power module

I was quite excited receiving my power module, but shocked at how heavy it is! Then it struck me, I could probably do away with my BEC, since the power module supplies 5.3v at 2.25 Amps.

Bad idea? If not, where would be the best place to take the power from - I saw this line in the manual:

Note for ArduPlane users: you must remove the APM's JP1 jumper when using the Power Module so your electronics are only powered from the Power Module's onboard regulator and not from your ESC. By removing the jumper you can use the output rail to distribute power from your ESC or BEC to your servos.

But I can't figure out if I can just plug into the output rail of the APM and supply my cameras etc?



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  • If you do away with your BEC, how are you planning to power your servos?  As mentioned in a number of other threads, the APM power module is not suitable for powering servos.

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