Using the ArduPilot without a Shield

Working up a system towards use in a ground effect model to be flown over water.


To get thinks started I would like to use the ArduPilot without a shield board, ie no airspeed measurement or X:Y sensors. This way Ican test the functionality of the craft operating in navigation mode only.

Unable to find a copy of the circuit diagram for the ArduPilot board so workingin the dark from the Schematic as to how the board connects to the shield.  As a result have two questions;

1) Can anyone point me to a picture of the locations on the ArduPilot board asto the connections points for the Bind Plug.

2)  Am I correct in assuming the resetbutton on the shield is just wired in parallel to the surface mount switch onthe main board?



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  • I think WALK_AROUND mode might be what your looking for, it's in the manual.
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