"No, found the carbon spars in my local hobby shop. 12x6mm so was able to match up with the 6mm Depron I used for the tail. which is made up from a 3mm skin top and bottom with a 6mm core with cuts outs.
Inspired by others I have constructed a 4 foot wingspan design for my first drone.Design turned out quite heavy and the short nose is pushing the cofg well back so will need to add some mass up front.IMG_0016.jpg
Has anyone tried flying an Ardupilot without the IR sensors? Assume if you have a very stable platform ie one with sufficient dihedralthat basic navigation should be possible using rudder alone with the elevatorcontrolled by GPS height.
"Try looking for mix flaps with gear. I have a DX6i and used gear and flap switches to form a three position output on channel 5. What did prove handy was using a monitor channel screen on my TX to see the effect of the various edits to the mix…"
Working up a system towards use in a ground effect model to be flown over water. To get thinks started I would like to use the ArduPilot without a shield board, ie no airspeed measurement or X:Y sensors. This way Ican test the functionality of the…
"I also had problems with the config tool. (Failure to display map) Installing IEv8 and setting the browser as the default fixed the problem, so you may wish to check which version of IE you have.
Out of interest also intend to use Cool Components,…"
Confused as to which voltage device I need to purchase to programme the ArduPilotIntend to run the ArduPilot from my brushless ESC which has a 5v BEC supply. Had thought I need to buy a 5v FTDI board but links on Sparkfun direct you to the 3.3v…
Looking at the possibility of building a navigation only system as a starter for 10.Can someone direct me to a circuit diagram for the ArduPilot Shield board please.Unsure if I need the board as have no desire at this point in time to measure air…