My UAV will be similar V-22 Osprey. Here is a picture of the aircraft.
It will be a long post, sorry for that.
Specifications of the UAV:
2 Brushless motors, 2 3-blade propellers, 6 servos, 2 Lipo batteries
Accelerometer (MMA7260QT), Gyro (LISY300AL), Altimeter (MPXS100A), Ultrasound range sensor (SRF08), GPS Module (EM-408), 6CH tarnciever or wireless modem (i havent decide it yet)
Brushless motors => HobbyKing - 600 kV Turnigy Outrunner
Lipo batteries => HobbyKing - ZIPPY Flightmax 5000mAh 4S1P 40C
Propeller => HobbyKing - 3 - Blade Series Propeller 13x8 (Pusher)
And another problem is i didnt understand the ESCs. Are these speed controllers can be programmed? Or just work with the signal from control unit. Or can i find a one which will suit my UAV, because this UAV can take off like helicopter, and propellers with brushless motor can revolve around itself. I will design a control unit for sensors, communication and servos but i dont know do i have to design a new speed controller for brushless motors. It could be difficult and amateur.
And this aircraft has a 4,5 - 5 kg weight but small one about 50cm wing span.The equipment list above, brushless motor - Lipo battery - Propeller, are they enogh for my project, or could u suggest equipments which will be suitable. And could you teach me how can i find the right calculations for propeller design - motor speed - torque - power and weight connection between these terms for this aircraft.Could u help me pls.Thanks
This is another way to look at your problem, This is Morgan Aircraft in Sheboygan WI, they can hover or fly but transition has proved trublesome as I have heard. But if you can get a uav of this style flying I am quite sure they would like a call.
Less than 20 ft blades lifts 65,000 lbs at a measly 4500 HP!
Dont quite know what im talking about but hey theres my imput!
-Austin Stewart
I'm guessing that you are on a we all are, and the fact that you identified motors, batteries and ESC's before you designed the airframe and calculated how much it will weight pretty much proves that. The right thing to do is define what you want the UAV to be able to do, flight duration, flight distance, etc., and where you want environment you want to operate in. This will guide your design so you end up with a proper configuration. Then you will know if you need a V-22, EZ Star or something else off the shelf or custom. Let the mission drive the configuration, not the opposite.
If you end up going the the V-22 type platform, check out the Air Hogg's "Switch Blade". It is a (extremely) loose interpretation of the V-22. You can buy them at walmart for about $60.