Vibration damping

My vibration readings aren't real bad but they are higher than recommended. This is my attempt at vibration reduction. I'll report back after more testing. I used Kyosho vibration absorbing gel sheet. I put a 1/4" wide strip on a CNC cut fiberglass plate and 1/4 x 5/8 pieces on each corner of the APM. Hopefully it works..

(I hope the pictures post)




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  • Good job, very clean install. One of the tricks I have learned is when you tape the FC to the dampening board, use small patches on the 4 corners of the board rather than a strip to tape it to that transition board. The less surface the contact areas have, the better as less vibrations are conducted over to the APM. I cut four little square of double sided tape and it works well. Good luck with the flights, let us know how it goes!

  • more pics..



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