Okay so I have a quad with Arduino and an IMU. It in itself is a stable flying platform (theoretically, I haven't built it yet). What I want to do is send from a PC/Laptop RC signals to the Arduino on the Quad. Basically make it Fly-by-Wire* with the "pilot" on the ground.

Is this even possible? am I in the right discussion? has this been done before?


Any help/ideas/questions would be greatly appreciated!


NOTE: I am not making a fully autonomous UAV. It is basically a Fly-By-Wire* Rc Quad w/ the pilot on the ground. I do not need telemetry/IMU data, a range of more than 10 meters, GPS, Airspeed, Altitude, waypoints, ect. All I need is to say "cyclic" left/right, forward/back, collective increase/decrease, rudder left/right to the autopilot.


*Fly-By-Wire: I know they are all FBW. When I say FBW I mean the autopilot stabilizing the aircraft while I tell it where to fly.

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  • ArduCopter and ArduPilot already do this. There are two modes Fly-By-Wire A and Bly-By-Wire B (C is coming soon) which defines what is controlled 100% by the autopilot and what can be influenced by the radio. In addition, my GCS has the option to fly by joystick on the APM, ACM, UDB, Attopilot or Millswood Engineering Failsafe.


    So yes, possible and currently being done by many auto-pilots out there.

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