Waypoint File Format

Hi all, just study the MAVProxy and found there is a feature of waypoint

I can load a list of waypoints using command:

wp load filename.txt

But I'm wondering what is the format of the file?

I searched the MavLink wiki and found this page

it says:

QGC WPL 110 
0 1 0 16 0.149999999999999994 0 0 0 8.54800000000000004 47.3759999999999977 550 1
1 0 0 16 0.149999999999999994 0 0 0 8.54800000000000004 47.3759999999999977 550 1
2 0 0 16 0.149999999999999994 0 0 0 8.54800000000000004 47.3759999999999977 550 1

I can understand index/x/y/z/autocontinue
But I'm still not understand what do

Can anyone explain them to me?

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  • Developer

    "Use the source, Luke!"

    see https://github.com/diydrones/ardupilot/tree/master/libraries/GCS_MA... it's in the header definitions what param1-7 mean

    • Thanks Bill.

      I think it should be msg id16

      <entry value="16" name="MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT">
      <description>Navigate to MISSION.</description>
      <param index="1">Hold time in decimal seconds. (ignored by fixed wing, time to stay at MISSION for rotary wing)</param>
      <param index="2">Acceptance radius in meters (if the sphere with this radius is hit, the MISSION counts as reached)</param>
      <param index="3">0 to pass through the WP, if > 0 radius in meters to pass by WP. Positive value for clockwise orbit, negative value for counter-clockwise orbit. Allows trajectory control.</param>
      <param index="4">Desired yaw angle at MISSION (rotary wing)</param>
      <param index="5">Latitude</param>
      <param index="6">Longitude</param>
      <param index="7">Altitude</param>
      But there are till 4 parameters in the beginning make me puzzled: 
      index is easy, just the wp index.
      current wp means is it the current wp my UAV stands on? I'm not sure about that 
      coord fram means whether it is Global coordinate frame or Local coordinate frame
      <COMMAND> is the one I really cannot figure out what it does. especially its value: 0.149999999999999994 
      could you give me some explanation or source I can read?
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