waypoint updating.

Hi everyoneI have a quick question.I was wondering if it is at all possible to be able to view in (near) realtime on google earth or memory map(mapping software) or similar product the position of my aircraft as it flies its set route between waypoints and if it at somepoint along the way I decide to change course for me to be able to adjust the waypoints accordingly...I plan on using ardupilot v2 with either the 14 Channel 10Hz GPS Receiver - Venus634FLPx or 32 Channel LS20031 GPS 5Hz Receiver and XBee-PRO 868 OEM Development Kit with 2 XBee-PRO modules.

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  • Just wondering - have you found out anything more about changing course mid flight? Is there such thing as two-way GPS communication? Doesn't Enterprise Rent-A-Car use some sort gps tracker to keep track of their fleet? Maybe something like that could be hacked apart? My other idea - a bit of a stretch.. ....Ham radios can transmit digital signals quite a distance... Hmm....
  • If you use the ground station software http://diydrones.com/profiles/blogs/ardupilot-21-released-setup designed for the Ardupilot it automatically links with Googlearth displaying in real time your track.

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Jun 30