I'm having a bit of a problem with WayPoints, when creating WPs in Mission Planner and I send them up to the APM 2.8 and those are uploaded successfully, the issue is when I read the WayPoints back to confirm they are okay, most of them are off, showing different coordinates per waypoint, is this a normal behavior?, any way around this?
I'm using an APM 2.8 with a 3DR GPS module
These are the WayPoints read from the APM 2.8, showing most of them in different geo locations than the originally saved ones, lines are not straight and some WPs are showing in together.
These are the WayPoints before saving (write) them to my APM 2.8, you can see the lines are straight and each WP is separated.
Thanks, Thomas, do you think the Pixhawk could be the way to go in this scenario?
Thomas J Coyle III said:
Rover is now at 3.01. Both your hardware and software need to be updated, but start with the software. I'm not sure where you found an old 2.51 beta, but please use Mission Planner or APM Planner to update to the current code.
Your biggest problem here is that the APM2.8 cannot execute EKF1/2 which is far superior to DCM in providing consistent navigation.
Hi Chris, no I haven't try the Pixhawk, I bought an APM 2.8 to test it, but it then read Pixhawk are a much newer hardware, but also more expensive, so I wanted to give the APM a try. The code I'm using for the rover is ArduRover v2.51-beta from Aug-2015.
Chris Anderson said:
This may be because you're using older code and older hardware, which doesn't use the full GPS precision of the latest code. Have you tried Pixhawk and the latest Rover code? The old 8-bit APM hardware line is no longer supported.