Waypoints not working

Hello everybody

if i tell about not working wayoints, is there any step by step explanation for setup the Autopilot by newest Missionplaner and some hidden switches  ?

the MissionPlaner Wiki Page shows only CMD_Waypoint, what that meant CMD Waypoint ? 

that is one of my questions

and an other is why my Ardupilot works by different Firmwares every time worse ?

i have have tryed many different APM Firmwares

1.0Beta works with RTL and no waypoints

any other version between 1.0Beta and 2.012 has worked not a bit, (no servo output)

and APM2.012 is only loiter and no RTL or Waypoints 

slowly i ask my self what is better 1.0Beta or any of the never Mavlink Version ?


my first thought was a fault by setup the Mode Switches but i can read the function by GCS_Mavlink



this is how my APM_config.h looks like 





#define GCS_PORT 3

#define SERIAL3_BAUD        57600

#define FLIGHT_MODE_1        MANUAL                       
#define FLIGHT_MODE_2        STABILIZE                      
#define FLIGHT_MODE_3        FLY_BY_WIRE_A         
#define FLIGHT_MODE_4        AUTO                          
#define FLIGHT_MODE_5        RTL


//at moment i use only the Airpseed by GPS

//#define AIRSPEED_RATIO      1.9956 //0.1254
//#define AIRSPEED_CRUISE     20
//#define AIRSPEED_FBW_MIN    6
//#define AIRSPEED_FBW_MAX    30



#define LOG_GPS             ENABLED
#define LOG_MODE            ENABLED


the waypoint i have tryed with different language set from keyboard, because i have read about any issue from MissionPlaner but it still has not worked

I use ArduPilot Mega and MediaTek GPS

i get a stable SatFix and normal it is loitering good and this meant GPS is working but why it still not

do any other Mission ?


and perhaps last but not least some thoughts about the many GPS problems from the

Ardupilot  (many deffect issue report from Meditek and many Problems with UBLox)

why other Project like Mikrokopter works very well with UBlox and Ardupilot has so much problems ?


and one last question why does the Log File Download need so much time...

if i log only some protocols and no RAW Sensor Data, it takes to much time for read back from Flash. 

Perhaps the Ardupilot Project should take some examples from Mikrokopter platform





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  • Just a thought
    cmd_waypoints is no longer used as far as I can see. It has been replaced by nav_waypoints.
  • 3D Robotics
    I'm not sure I understand your questions, but I'll try.

    If you're using the latest 2.012 code, you don't need the APM_Config.h file at all. Everything is set by the CLI or autodetected. All Mission Commands should be via MAVLink using the Mission Planner or HK GCS.

    CMD_Waypoint just means "waypoint" (the terminology is MAVLink's).

    I'm not aware of significant GPS problems. We've sold thousands of MediaTeks and UBlox modules and we use them everyday without trouble. Any MediaTek with the lastest firmware (1.6) should be autodetected and run fine. uBlox also runs fine but doesn't show a couple fields in the GCS--this is just cosmetic and doesn't affect performance.

    Let's focus on your problems one at a time. First, please tell me what you mean by "waypoints not working". Please list

    1) the software versions you're using
    2) the hardware you've got
    3) confirm that you've gone through the correct setup process (including--very important--resetting the board and erasing EEPROM between sofware versions)
    4) Show a screen shot of the mission planner with the mission you're trying to do.
    5) Explain what you've tried and what's not working
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