weird sound on pixhawk and no connection to board possible

hey guys,

had a great flight with my octo yesterday without any problems. whenever i connect my pixhawk today, there is a weird sound beeping. it isnt reacting on anything i do. i then tried to connect to mission planner to figure out whats wrong but i cant connect via mavlink. it runs into timeout although mp recognizes the px4.

it sounds like this warning but going down on the last 3 extra beeps.

does anybody know what to do?

greetings Ben

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  • Here the sound of my Pix after flashing.....

  • I have been able now to flash ArduPlane on it.... it worked.

    but now I have the same werid sound ut with one beep tone more... unfortunately I still cannot connect to the board....

  • Yes, the IO only works only when I have the backup power, while the FMU works over the Power Module but gives that weird sound.

    If I plug only via USB I get the same issue and also no heartbeat

  • Thanks... unforutnately I couldn connect to the board with all 3 steps. Either if I power the Pix from the Power Board or via USB keeping the switch pressed I get that weird sound....

    but if I connect to the RC In also a backup 5 Volt power that the pix boots up normally and I get the heartbeat blue led from IO. Unfortunately it sill cannot connect and when I try in the Terminal I get this

    Rebooting COM3 at 115200

    Cant open serial port

    • mhh I tried another Pix... with this I cant connect either in the Terminal, while I can connect in standard mode

  • I have the same werid sound.... what could be the issue? Any way to resolv eit?

  • MR60

    This is weird and an undocumented sound, indeed. I guess you should send it back under warranty for an exchange, if you have tried to erase and  reflash and the issue remains.

  • MR60


    Try to reformat the sdcard and reinsert it afterwards.

  • Did you try and restart while holding the safety button down.

    or try a reset and reinstall the firmware maybe.

  • Hi Ben here is a link to the sounds that the various boards make and their meaning, yours means "New IO board firmware found(restart with safety button pushed to upload"

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