What happens on Mission Planner "Connect" button press


I am trying to display data generated by Matlab in the Mission Planner. I have written a C-based S Function to transmit MAVLink v1.0 data from Matlab using UDP to Port 14550.

I am able to receive this MAVLink v1.0 UDP data using QGroundControl. I am also able view the information (roll,pitch, etc) sent.

However I am not able to display the same data using Mission Planner. When I click "connect" the planners says "waiting for UDP" and waits forever.

What takes place when "connect" is pressed in the Mission Planner. What is the data transfer process used by Mission Planner. Please help me solve this problem.

I am using MissionPlanner-1.1.92 and I have also tried the latest versions.


Mahesh M.

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  • Hello

    I am trying to connect Simulink and Mission Planner. i have been successful in creating a UDP connection and i am receiving the Mavlink messages in Simulink model. Now i wanted to send back the commands from Simulink  to MP.  Does anyone know what settings are required in Mission Planner to receive Mavlink messages from Simulink? How to use "connect - T" to make connection.? any help and guidance is appreciated.

  • Hi dear

    I would like to help you but unfortunately i cannot and I want to ask you for the help.

    actually i want to make a s function which mavlink protocol is used in there

    I want you to send me yours if possible to use it as a sample

    sorry for the request

    thank you so much

  • Developer

    please try connecting using "control-T" see if that works

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