
What if I lose my drone? GPS over 3G?

With my expected Skywalker I should be able to get around an hour's flight, so I can cruise the entire length and breadth of a farm. However, it will be way out of sight and range of an XBee.


My worry is what if it does not come back - I need to go find it. Is there any way to send a GPS signal over 3G to help me find it? Telemetry over 3G would be first prize, but apparently no-one has this working yet.


Many thanks,


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  • If you have a old phone like Nokia E66. Could do the same. It weights a bit more, but if you already have it. :)

  • This is really the ultimate solution when avaliable - http://www.delorme.com/inreach/


    It weighs in at a hefty 225g though.  However, you could find your drone anywhere on the globe, even way out of 3G range...




  • The xbee xsc modules where used in a hobby rocket and got 24km range with horizontal omni to omni


    my conclusion is they are therefore good enough to beat any video system if you put the xbee telemetry receiver antenna on the same tracker as the video receiver, and it has gain.

  • you might be surprised how far Xbee can go with a high gain anternna on your ground station?

    I sent mine out to 4km today with a 8km round trip.

    I'm adding 1km to every flight from now on until I run out of range. I'm hoping 10km is feasible over Xbee, the max range of my airframe is around 15km (30km round trip) at 50kph / 35 minute duration.

    How much further than this do you need to go?

  • 100KM

    I got some feedback from other forums, the current shortlist is:


    • Spark Nano 2.0 Real-Time GPS Tracker (best candidate so far)
    • Tramigo T22 (No response from their support)
    • Garmin GTU 10 (Subscription based service, so quite a few drawbacks)
    • Cheap Android Phone (A HTC Wildfire or something similar has a myriad of free apps that allows for tracking)

    Pity one has to duplicate hardware, such as a GPS.

    Spark Nano 2.0 Real-Time GPS Tracker

  • Moderator
    My Skywalker went for test flight #3 today, I got around 15 mins on a 4S 6000MaH. I have landing gear on it and it struggled to ground on medium length grass. I had to abort take off running out of runway! I ended up hand launching it. I few circuits in 5-10kt wind, and had to keep the throttle around 75%.

    When I got home I weighed it in at 2kg, i suspect this might be the cause.
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