What is Spline and Alt Warn

Hello, I just updated my mission planner to the new version 1.3.5 build 1.1.5260.33055. I noticed some new features in the Flight Plan screen. There is a spline checkbox and an Alt Warn box to put a value in. I was just wondering what these are used for and if anyone uses/recommends them?


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  • Spline waypoints allow you to have a curved path through waypoints.  Rather than stop, turn, go.  Spline in mission planner is implemented and operational.  However it will not be active in Arducopter flight controllers until v3.2 is released.  It is in beta right now and works quite nicely.  Makes for amazing video since flight is smooth and continuous.

    Alt Warn in flight planning, I'm not sure.  The Alt Warn in voice feedback will warn you audibly if you're below a certain altitude AGL.  But I'm not sure what purpose it would have in a mission since the altitude is pre-set.

    • Ok. That makes sense and I can see how that would be useful, I will have to give it a try. Thanks so much for the help

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