Hello everyone,
I'm looking for X-8 users, Skywalker X-8, more than 2m wingpsan, I wanted to know if you have data about the minimum speed you were able to glide or stall speed. I read somewhere that the speed range is 55 to 110 kmh, but I find it fast.
Actually, I evaluate the minimum speed using
mg = 1/2 Rho * S * V² * Cz
with mg = 9.81 * 2 (2 kilos)
and 1/2 * Rho * S * V² * Cz with Cz = 1 and S = 0.8 (80 dm²)
I fand something around 6.4 m/s which is really slow, is it real ?
Thanks a lot,
Thanks for your answers, maybe Cz = 1.0 is too strong for this model.
Nope, 6.4 m/s is not going to happen. 11m/s at 5kg.