What motors for P4 Upgrade?

I have a Phantom 4 and without building an entirely new drone, what motors can I put on it to lift about 5-8 lbs?   I'll have to keep the 9.5" props (may be able to use 10" b/c of the small size of the frame.   I'm doing some cargo drops and need to lift a little more than what it can lift now (about 2-2.5 lbs).  

Would I have to change the ESC's, too?  Any other considerations?

Thank you.

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  • Thank you.

    OG said:

    sorry that is not going to work for you ! you need new motors ESC & larger props to do what your trying to do mean a lager craft! you can put Phantom 4 parts on larger craft.
    What motors for P4 Upgrade?
    I have a Phantom 4 and without building an entirely new drone, what motors can I put on it to lift about 5-8 lbs?   I'll have to keep the 9.5 props…
  • sorry that is not going to work for you ! you need new motors ESC & larger props to do what your trying to do mean a lager craft! you can put Phantom 4 parts on larger craft.
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