What's the proper upgrade procedure ?

Let's say I am using 2.2 b3 today, let's say 2.3 arrives tomorrow.

Can I save the settings to a file, upgrade firmware, load settings from file ?

Does any calibration (leveling) need to be done over again ?

What's the best/most effective way to save work re-calibrating radio and everything else ?

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  • Wondering about the same, I have recently started to diff the parameter setting to see if any has changed, but dont really know what necesitates a reset.

    I just upgraded to 2.2b2 from MP and reset to factory settings and discovered some new parameters that were not set default in earlier versions , can someone explain what these are for ?


    Also ALT_HOLD_RTL is now set default to 0, but previously this was -100?

  • Mission Planner - Configuration section (where all the PIDs are). Bottom left SAVE and LOAD.

    Depending on the code changes, sometimes you can just re-write overtop, but the only way to be certain is after updating, loading and re-writing your params file, you probably should still redo the levelling and radio calibration again every time and basic hand, motor and other tests. The whole procedure isn't really all that long. Spending 10 minutes to confirm and test the setup again could save you a lot more time waiting for new parts!

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