
My Discussion title sums it all up. I am working on a fixed wing drone and i was wondering what will a fixed wing do if it loses the GPS signal. If a quadcopter looses Gps it starts to hover and maintain attitude. what would be the best solution for a fixed wing drone.


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  • RTL using Dead Reckoning.

    See the last post on this page by Tridge: http://ardupilot.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=5808&start=10
    • I am new to drone world. Not familiar with the lingo. What does RTL stand for.


      • Return To Launch

        What autopilot are you putting in your plane?
        If it's an APM, you really better start reading the wiki.
This reply was deleted.


Neville Rodrigues liked Neville Rodrigues's profile
Jun 30