what size prop for my motors?

Hi guys,

had a question on what size props for my quadcopter (arducopter from 3d robtics). i have the 2212-13-A-BP Brushless Outrunner Motor with 9x4.7 apc props. i feel that these props might be to small for my quad, but not sure. here's a link on the motors specs; 


the quad also drifts away considerably fast and bit unstable, not sure if the propellers have anything to do with it, but thought id ask.

Any input would be greatly appreciated.



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  • http://www.bphobbies.com/view.asp?id=V450327&pid=B1688512

    BPH - Cheetah A2212-13 Brushless Outrunner Motor
    Central New Jersey supplier of radio control models, parts, and accessories. Retail and wholesale to US and Canada.
  • T3
    Props normally don't mess up flight unless they way out of balance or broken. If you are flying 3DR Quadcopter then you can use 10 or 11 inch props. 9 inch might be a bit small. Motor type and size makes a difference in the size of prop. Faster motors use smaller props and slower motors use larger props. Most people use 10 inch on the basic Quadcopter that 3DR sells. I'm not sure the specs on the motor you listed. How does it compare to the standard motor 3DR sells?
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