Hi everyone,
For a research I'm doing, I would like to use a quadcopter to land on a glacier (but a crevassed area, a kind of no-go-zone ...) in order to leave a sensor for a few hours before flying back to me. As I will be far away (but still in the vision of light), I would like to use FPV to spot manually for an approx. horizontal area (combined with a rangefinder for smooth landing). As I wish to maximize the endurance of the quad, I would like to keep it as light as possible. As I have no experience in FPV, would anyone have any recommendation to give me the best perception of the ground texture/surface for the delicate landing stage? e.g. should the camera point down? be controllable on some axis? should I opt for a special camera considering that the place I want to land is mostly white? would I have a better perception with the receiver plugged to the screen of my computer or some glasses? would a 3D camera be more relevant?
Any help / thoughts is welcome. Thanks in advance.
A bit down pitch on the camera is good for surveying the landing spot.
Be sure to have some spikes on landing gear so it does not slide away.
A decent pilot won't have trouble with that at all.